Garden Coaching

Thank you for exploring Ninety % Native Coaching Sessions! If you would like to schedule a Coaching Session or you are interested in learning more, sign up below!

What is included in your Garden Coaching?

  • Site visit for approximately 1 hour (near my local area Oak Hill, VA)
  • Follow up documentation like
    • curated information regarding growing native plants and gardening for wildlife
    • links to coaching session video notes
    • list of native plants for the area we discussed
  • Follow up communication via text, email or phone after your site visit regarding what we discussed and any clarifications

Who is Garden Coaching geared toward?

  • Beginner gardeners looking to include Native Plants into your landscape, or who want to start gardening with native plants or vegetables but have limited or no experience
  • DIYers that would like advice adding native plant gardens or small scale vegetable gardens to their landscape
  • Experienced gardeners that are unfamiliar with native plants and want to learn about incorporating native plants into their garden beds and inviting wildlife into their garden

What can we discuss during your Garden Coaching session?

  • Native plant recommendations
  • Native plant maintenance
  • Design suggestions for a specific area
  • Identification of native and non-native plants
  • Ideas for adding wildlife habitat to the yard
  • Where to source native plants
  • Growing native plants from seed naturally and artificially
  • My gardening experiences with native plants, wildlife, vegetables and non-invasive. pollinator friendly plants

How to get the most out of your Garden Coaching?

  • Identify an area in the landscape you would like to discuss
  • Identify sun and soil conditions
  • Consider your style.  Do you like a formal, naturalistic or somewhere in the middle design aesthetic?
  • Understand your gardening goals and how much time you are able to spend in the garden
  • Understand if you have any HOA limitations regarding your landscape
  • Prepare any questions or concerns in advance of our meeting
  • Be prepared to take notes

Who this Garden Coaching is Not geared toward?

  • Anyone wanting to exclude natives plants from their landscape
  • Anyone who primarily wants to discuss gardening with non-native ornamental plants
  • Anyone wanting help or direction on using non-organic or chemical additives in the your landscape

What is Not included in a Garden Coaching session?

  • Landscape design plans
  • Planting plans
  • Sourcing and purchasing plants
  • Supervision of plant installations

available for an additional fee


Garden Coaching